Father’s day is this weekend and figuring out a good Father’s day present can be stressful. If you’re still on the hunt, here are ten ideas for the dad who likes to eat, cook, grill or drink beer.

Fitbit for a Healthy Lifestyle
1. Fitbit: People who cook are significantly healthier than those who eat out for every meal. Home cooked meals are an integral part to getting healthy. Home cooking complimented by exercise is the best thing you can do for your health, which is why I also recommend this Fitbit. Americans have a very sedentary lifestyle, and if we want to live longer, happier lives, that needs to change. Enter Fitbit. The Fitbit tracks your steps, encouraging you to walk more throughout the day.
My dad has one and it’s his favorite (after Marston and the dog). What is particularly great about the Fitbit is that it has a social media component. It connects you with any of your friends who also have it – so you can compete against one another.
My dad and all of his buddies have Fitbits and check into it daily. They each walk around 10,000 steps a day (although my dad is a bit competitive and walks close to 30,000 – he hates to lose).
A Good Father’s Day Present for: the busy dad who wants to be healthy and maximize his time.

Boy Meets Grill
2. Boy Meets Grill: Celebrity Chef Bobby Flay took backyard grilling from something we did on the fourth of July to a culinary art form. He shares some of his best recipes and grilling secrets.
A Good Father’s Day Present for: the dad who is a novice to accomplished griller and wants to learn.

Salt Plate for the Grill
3. Salt plate: I recently discovered these from Williams Sonoma and I am enamored. Throw it on the grill with your meat on top. Your meat will be seasoned well and so juicy and tender. Everyone will want to know your dad’s secret!
A Good Father’s Day Present for: the dad who likes meat.

Vegetable Grill Basket
4. Vegetable grill basket: I got my father-in-law a grill basket for Father’s day two years ago and he uses it every time he grills. It enables you to grill vegetables without losing them through the grate or savagely burning one side.
A Good Father’s Day Present for: the vegetarian dad.

IPA glass
5. Spiegelau IPA Glass: Craft beer has hit the big time in the US. In 2012 it accounted for 40% of beer sales in restaurants and in 2013, grew 20%. The craft beer revolution has refined beer and many places serve beer on par with wine. To fully appreciate a sophisticated beer you need the proper glassware. These glasses are designed to release aromas, flavors and awaken all the appropriate senses to enjoy your craft beer.
A Good Father’s Day Present for: dad’s who love wine tasting and want to branch out.

Home Brewing Beer Kit
6. Home brewing beer kit: I haven’t done this yet (although Joe’s done port) but I have lots of friends who have and they swear by it. In fact, my best friend’s husband refuses to drink anything else. Also remember how craft beer is all the rage?
A Good Father’s Day Present for: the dad who wants to expand his horizons a bit more.

Electric Ice Cream Churn
7. Ice cream churn: I don’t know one man who doesn’t love ice cream. If you open up my brother’s freezer you’ll find (no joke) 6 half gallon tubs. Making your own ice cream simple with this churn. It’s my favorite ice cream churn because of how easy and fast it is. Ice cream can be finished in 30 minutes and doesn’t need to be churned all afternoon like some.
A Good Father’s Day Present for: a male.

Guacamole Mortar and Pestle
8. Guacamole morter and pestle: There is nothing more delicious than homemade guacamole (unless it’s homemade ice cream). You don’t need a contraption to make good guac, but it sure doesn’t hurt. Use the pestle to mash together the avocado with all your other ingredients and you’ll be delighted with the outcome.
A Good Father’s Day Present for: the dad who loves Mexican food.

Tongs for the Grill
9. Grill tongs: These tongs get great reviews. They’re sturdy, large enough to pick up meat and vegetables and long enough so that you aren’t burning the hairs off you’re arm. From the research I’ve done, everyone says these are the ones to get.
A Good Father’s Day Present for: the dad who no longer has eyebrows because of his last grilling incident.

Best Gas Grill for Your Money
10. Gas grill: I’ve been talking a lot about the Big Green Egg this summer. I love everything it produces (except when we put too much mesquite on it and our vegetables tasted like cigars – but I digress). But BGEs are expensive and time consuming. And depending on your lifestyle, might not be conducive to what you want right now.
If that’s the case, then I recommend this grill. Weber produces a great quality grill that will last and give you delicious and tender food.
A Good Father’s Day Present for: the dad who’s ready to spend a little more time grilling this summer.
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